This Is Reportage Family Winner | Family Documentary

elora-viano_hand through door

So this was just a bit exciting – for the first time, after many times submitting, I was among the winners in This Is Reportage Family‘s Competition. It was a total surprise to be honest – little did I know that this little hand from troublemaker #2, taken on my phone, I might add, would be a winner.

This truly goes to show that the best camera is the one you have with you, doesn’t it?

And it is so serendipitous that this award came right when I felt I was a failure, when I felt I had lost my spark (see previous post), where my creativity was low. And there it was in my inbox, telling me nope, you are awesome, and you sure as hell know what you are doing!

And so, I am sharing this with you, because we are all on this roller coaster of creativity, and some days, we actually get a win!

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