Do you remember the old childhood game, cat’s cradle? I used to love playing it with my friends and my brother on a rainy lunch break. Well, this was the inspiration behind this visible binding technique – I first came across it on Saacibo‘s Youtube channel, and had to give it a try, and I loved it! I have used it on quite a number of journals and books, and it is definitely in my top 5 favourites!

The only drawback is that it needs to be done on an even number of signatures, working two at a time.
It is handy to have bulldog clips or something else to hold everything in place while you work on your signatures as you are going back and forth from one signature to the next.
Besides that, the only things you need are the usual book binding supplies – binding thread, an awl, needle, scissors, a template and patience!
I hope you enjoy the full tutorial for cat’s cradle binding available on my YouTube channel now:
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