Being the person I am, my creativity ebbs and flows, sometimes pulling me in one direction, sometimes in the other. Recently, the pull brought me back to macrame, and I got to thinking if there was some way to combine my macrame with my book making. And so I began experimenting. I spent hours testing ideas and trying new things, making test books and then actually trying it on an actual book – and it worked! I could hardly believe that I had managed. Of course in order to do all this I neglected a lot of household duties I probably should have done, but priorities, right? Who needs clean underwear, really?

But back to the story at hand – I took a quick picture of my completed macrame binding attempts and shared it in a few of the crafty groups I’m in. Incredibly people thought it was a genius idea, and they were so excited by it, they asked for tutorials. And so I cobbled one together and posted it on my YouTube channel (I will share the link below).
I guess all of this is to say that you shouldn’t be afraid to experiment – it might not work, but then again, it might, and you might find unexpected success! So go out there and try – but maybe make sure you do all your laundry first…

These books will soon be available in my Etsy shop when I do my next shop update on April 2. If you would like to be one of the first to know about the update, you can sign up to my newsletter below: