I have another wonderful pair to share with you today – Katie and Koa. I actually first met Katie when I was volunteering for the Big Latch On many years ago! It was a beautiful day and I was surrounded by incredible breastfeeding mamas sitting in the grass, chatting and feeding their littles (and not so littles!) as part of this event. We kept in touch and I have loved Katie’s continued support for helping new mums get to grips with their new roles – and to the changes in their bodies. I knew Katie would be on board with this project, and indeed she was one of the first to sign up!
I am grateful for her participation and support! Here is what she had to say about participating:
Empowering other women. Confidence for women. I have had them for years so don’t really mind them anymore. Part of who I am.

You can support the Kintsugi Mama Project by following along on our instagram: @kintsugimamaproject, and sharing the blog posts and images with family and friends! Thank you for your support!